I’m Eveline, welcome to my personal site!
I’m a Dutch game developer, illustrator, colorist, designer. All of that because above it all I’m a creator who has never understood why we should inhibit our curiosity and doubt our ability.
“Humanity’s drive to create works of art and stories is something I hold in the highest regards and I am happiest when learning new skills or further developing existing ones. It is impossible for me to not occupy my time with creating art and stories.”
Born in North Holland – the province of countless of rivers (“slootjes”) and fields (“polders”) – I grew up with the creative works of famous multitalents and an energetic attitude to help me make my own works. I grew up with books, cartoons and video games; the first game console I encountered was a small box with two joysticks conjuring Pong onto the television screen. From then, through DOS’s Prince of Persia through NES’s Mario through Tomb Raider 1 & 3 I one day started Looking Glass’s Thief: the Dark Project and Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind. Both games had level editors and through them I realized that I could learn to create video games.
My professional career has seen me work on Thief (4), the reboot Tomb Raider series (Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider) and the Lara Croft multiplayer co-op series (Guardian of Light and Temple of Osiris), Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Marvel’s Avengers, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and Spider-Man. Besides working on those titles, I have been and still am the founder of Everforge Studio: the company that gives absolute room to my own creative energy. Humanity’s drive to create works of art and stories is something I hold in the highest regards and I am happiest when learning new skills or further developing existing ones. Both those things mean that it is impossible for me to not occupy my time with creating art and stories.
- A highly energetic, friendly, but professional disposition.
- Possesses a design vision that seeks to explore, reinterpret and redefine the meaning of game-play mechanics.
- Works independently and goal-based with sprint-based methodology.
- Well versed in finding bugs, with specializations in game porting and standards checking.
- Experienced in technical customer support with forum management.
- Mastery of 3D modelling techniques across multiple software suites.
- Knows how to interpret and convert information into skillsets.
- Hold kindness in the heart, words, and deeds.
- Be polite, but candid where needed.
- Be patient for a lack of knowledge, but not for an unwillingness to learn.
- Be inquisitive.
- Honesty in what you can do, humility in what you cannot, confidence that you can learn.
- Good stories and storytelling in art
- Space, science fiction, fantasy, and robotics.
- Botany and Zoology
Work experience
November 2021 – [Present]: Software Test Engineer & Test Manager at Oribi ID-Solutions.
February 2013 – [Present]: Started and develops games & creative media at Everforge Studio.
August 2013 – November 2021: QA Tester at Nixxes Software.
Long long time ago: 3D art internship at Sticky Studios.
Games she has worked on at Nixxes Software:
- QA Tester for Spider-Man (2021 PC Port)
- QA Tester for Horizon Zero Dawn (November 2021 PC performance patch)
- QA Tester for Marvel’s Avengers (2020: PC, STADIA, PS4, XBox One)
- QA Tester for Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018: PC, STADIA)
- QA Tester for Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015/2016/2017: X360, XBOX ONE, PC, XBOX ONE X)
- QA Tester for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (2016: PC, XBOX ONE, PS4)
- QA Tester for Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (2014/2015: PC – PS4 – XBOX ONE)
- QA Tester for Thief (2014: PC)
Games she has worked on at Sticky Studios:
- 3D Artist for Suckerpunch promotional for the Warner Brothers’ movie (2011: browser-based)
- 3D artist for Nick Racers Revolution 3D webgame for the Nickelodeon portal (2011: browser-based)
- Illustration
- Digital Inking and Coloring of art sketches
- Comic coloring
- 3D print creation
- Miniature painting
- Game development (contributive component-based)
- Consultancy on the topics of: Game Design & Development, Project Management, Knowledge Management.